For packing paints, coatings and thinners, the following types of packages are available depending on the nature of the contents to be filled, optionally the containers could be internally lacquer lined with either a single or a double coat of lacquer.


Tinplate cans of 250 ml to 25 litre capacity. They are of following types.

Cylindrical (Round) cans of diameters from 84 mm to 175 mm. These cans have the bottom end seamed and a ring seamed at the top. A loose lid is supplied which is fitted after filling the pack. Depending on the pack size and weight of contents, either a galvanized wire or plastics strap handle could be fitted to the body of the can.

Conical Pails (Conipails) of up to 25 litre capacity, with lug lid. A Galvanised wire handle is fitted to the body.

Cylindrical (Round) cans of diameters from 84 mm to 175 mm. These cans have the bottom end seamed and a ring seamed at the top. A loose lid is supplied which is fitted after filling the pack. Depending on the pack size and weight of contents, either a galvanized wire or plastics strap handle could be fitted to the body of the can.

Conical Pails (Conipails) of upto 25 litre capacity, with a crimp-on lug lid. A Galvanised wire handle is fitted to the body.


Tinplate cans of 250 ml to 25 litre capacity. They are of following types.

Cylindrical (Round) cans of diameters from 65 mm to 105 mm, with both ends seamed and with a spout hole which, after filling, can be fitted with a Plastic Pull-up Spout

Rectangular (Oblong) cross-section cans in three cross-sections. In these cans typically both ends are seamed, and the top is fitted with a Tinplate Bridge Handle and a Metal Neck through which filling is done. A metal or plastic screw closure is used to seal the neck, or a Galvanised Wire or Plastics handle and a spout hole, which, after filling can be fitted with a Plastic Pull-up Spout


Two pack cans are cylindrical shaped containers with capacity ranging from 3 top 5 Litres. They are integrated cans with separate sections for storing the sealant and hardener in construction chemicals. The Container parts include body, lid, slip lid, and bottom.